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Connector for power connection or separate electronics for transmission lines

release time:2018-07-06 16:19:17  Views:

An RF coaxial connector is a component housed in a cable or instrument that is used to transfer electrical connections or separate electronics from the wire.

It is a series of mechatronics. The variety of specifications and specifications, relying on the mechanical structure to ensure the characteristics of electricity, and other low-frequency connectors are essentially different. Most of the RF coaxial connector parts are machined by turning, and the assembly is manual.

Product updates are slow. It is an important component of the electrical connector and requires a certain technical content. It is a labor-intensive product. Our company is a manufacturer specializing in the production of high-tech products such as post and telecommunications, communication electronics. Can be produced according to the special needs of users, product quality, reasonable price, welcome to buy!

Connectors are widely used in electronic 3C products, and have gradually become the needs of the times.
