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The general and narrow concepts of connectors

release time:2018-07-06 16:20:34  Views:

The narrow concept of the connector means that the connector is connected not only to the current. In today's rapid development of optoelectronic technology, in the optical fiber system, the carrier that transmits the signal is light, and the glass and plastic replace the wires in the ordinary circuit. However, connectors are also used in the optical path, and they function the same as circuit connectors.

In the following, the general concept of the connector is mentioned. The connector is a component that our electronic engineering technicians often touch. Its role is very simple: to bridge the communication between the blocked or isolated circuits in the circuit, so that the current flows, so that the circuit achieves the intended function. Connectors are an indispensable part of an electronic device. You will always find one or more connectors when you look at the path through which the current flows. The form and structure of the connector are ever-changing. There are various types of connectors depending on the application object, frequency, power, and application environment. For example, the connector for lighting on the court and the connector for the hard drive, as well as the connector for igniting the rocket, are quite different. But no matter what kind of connector, it is necessary to ensure smooth and continuous current flow.
